PRM4U Terms of Service - Site Usage Policy and User Agreement

1. SMM Services

1.1. Clients themselves determine the parameters of marketing materials such as the start and duration of campaigns, the type and specifics of information via the user interface, within the limits set by administration.
1.2. The Service compiles statistics on the placement of information and provides access to it. This statistical information is hosted on a secure online resource of the Service.
1.3. Clients gain access to the online resource and the statistical information hosted on it either by a unique login and password set by themselves or by using a social network account linked to their login.
1.4. Refunds of funds credited to the user’s account are at the discretion of the service administration if the client has not violated the rules.

2. Rights and Obligations

2.1. The Service commits to:
- Place the client’s advertising materials in accordance with the established terms.
- Provide uninterrupted access to the client’s advertising materials.
- Provide access to statistical information regarding the placement of informational materials.

2.2. The client commits to:
- Timely and fully pay for the services provided by the Service according to the current agreement.
- Ensure that the informational materials comply with the regulations set forth by current legislation.
- Provide written confirmation of the rights to the posted materials upon request from the Service Administration.

2.3. The Service has the right to:
- Change the advertising parameters set by the Client when creating a task without prior notice.
- Remove client materials that the Administration deems inappropriate for publication.
- Restrict third-party access to the informational materials posted by the Client in case of a contract violation.

3. Fund Withdrawal

Clients may request fund withdrawals at any time, provided they have not violated any service rules. Withdrawals are processed back to the original account from which the funds were received.

4. General Provisions

This agreement comes into effect upon the user’s registration on and remains valid until it is terminated in writing by the user.

5. Reasons for Account Block

- Use of multiple accounts with inaccurate information.
- An account may be blocked based on a complaint from another client or during regular checks by the Service Administration.
- The use of automated tools to perform tasks on the Service is prohibited.

With best wishes,
